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Creativity in Motion

The Cradle of Mankind, Ethiopia.
It is the land where mankind first started creation.
In producing new inventions like coffee one after another,
the land has always delivered happiness,
and created a new culture to people around the world.
And even today, our passion for creativity hasn’t changed.
The DNA of creation has been passed on for generations,
as the land brims with enthusiasm to deliver new happiness to the world.
A new challenge of Africa’s largest growing nation begins.

Ethiopian Highland Leather ™

World’s highest quality sheep leather, from the mystical highlands of Ethiopia. 

Light, thin, and soft. Yet, strong and durable. The superior quality of sheep leather is not like any other.

ETHIOPIAN HIGHLAND LEATHER is the world’s highest quality sheep leather made from a special type of hair sheep bred in the mystical Ethiopian highlands, and neatly finished by experienced craftsmanship of Ethiopian tanners.

Ethiopian Coffee

Ethiopia is regarded as the cradle of civilization, where mankind first started creation
– home of Lucy, our earliest human ancestor. The land has brought to life a variety of
natural gifts that are today enjoyed by many around the world. Ethiopia is the origin
of Arabica Coffee, the most popular kind of coffee in the world; it was first discovered
in the mystical highlands of South-Western Ethiopia.
According to legend, around 850 AD, a goat herder named Kaldi discovered the very
first coffee berries – when he noticed the vitalizing effect the plant had on his herd of

Ethiopia Today

This project was launched to introduce the flagship products of Ethiopia towards the global market. 

It promotes the unique and high quality products and industry that are made in the vast highlands of Ethiopia.

The project is lead by the Ethiopian government, and supported by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).